We are excited to share the launch of the Principal Leadership Fund. Applications are now open! State and Territory EO's or Directors have been emailed today with information to circulate. Attached as file and minimised screen shot below for you to share as you see fit as well.
Text of email:
The Australian Catholic Primary Principals' Association (ACPPA) is excited to announce the launch of the ACPPA Principal Leadership Fund.
With the support of Higgins Coatings, ACPPA has established a Principal Leadership Fund to provide support and assistance to principals, building their capacity, skills and comfort in their role.
A successful Applicant will identify the Principal Leadership Fund as a program or initiative that will provide support and assistance to the Applicant as an early-career Principal by enhancing their skills and building their capacity in one or more of the areas of:
Catholic Identity;
Learning and Teaching;
Finance and Stewardship; or
Building People and Culture.
Applications are welcomed via the link in the attached announcement or via
ACPPA PLF Application. Further information is available in the
Terms and Conditions and in the application form.
Applications Close July 25th 2024
For further information, please contact ACPPA Executive Officer, Gez Mulvahil on 0407 976031 or eo@acppa.catholic.edu.au
Gez Mulvahil
ACPPA Executive Officer